Within the BioAgora project, additional funding is provided to invite third parties to contribute to knowledge exchange networks relevant to the Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and capacity-building activities. The Financial Support for Third Parties (FSTP) is organised using the EU cascade funding model. The financed Third Parties do not become a partner of the BioAgora consortium. BioAgora provides rules and guidelines for the cascade funding to make sure the open calls are published widely and adhere to Horizon Europe standards with respect to transparency, equal treatment, conflict of interest and confidentiality.
BioAgora, in collaboration with the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), is pleased to announce a new funding call for initiatives focused on strengthening the science-policy-society interface (SPSI). As part of the Horizon Europe programme, this funding aims to empower scientists, policymakers, and societal actors with the skills and capacities needed to enhance collaboration and address critical biodiversity challenges.
This funding call is open to legal entities or consortia of legal entities eligible for Horizon Europe funding. Projects should involve participants from across Europe and prioritize transdisciplinary collaboration, incorporating both social and environmental disciplines.
Applicants are encouraged to propose activities that target the following groups:
BioAgora invites proposals for a wide range of capacity-development activities that bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and policymaking. Supported initiatives may include, but are not limited to:
Priority will be given to activities that emphasize innovative collaboration, co-learning, and cross-sectoral interactions to address systemic and policy-side challenges in biodiversity conservation.
Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
See more detailed assessment criteria in the submission guidelines.
Applicants need to use two templates, Part A (administrative information) and Part B (technical description), and strictly follow the guidelines for applications. All submitted applications need to fill eligibility criteria to be reviewed by experts.
Documents for applications:
Annex I: Application Form Part A (Administrative information)
Applications can be submitted by single legal entities or consortia. Proposals should focus on building capacities that address transdisciplinary collaboration, the inclusion of diverse actors, and the enhancement of science-policy-society interfaces. Applications should outline clear target groups and specific skills or competencies that will be developed through the proposed activities.
Applicants must meet the eligibility criteria for Horizon Europe funding. Co-financing from other sources is encouraged, but the proposed activities cannot be part of ongoing projects.
Questions regarding the criteria, rules and procedures of the call can be sent to the following address: calls@bioagora.eu. Before submitting a question, please consult the FAQs provided below.
General Eligibility & Participation
Q: What are the rules, requirements, and eligibility criteria for participating in the competition?
A: The competition focuses on contributions to the EU Biodiversity Strategy and is primarily European-oriented. Proposals from non-European partners may be considered if they align with a broader European approach and comply with EU restrictive measures. To ensure your institution's eligibility, you must verify that participation is not restricted by EU sanctions. You can check this via the EU sanctions map: https://www.sanctionsmap.eu/#/main and the relevant EU regulations: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg/2014/833/oj.
Q: Is it eligible to form a consortium with an NGO whose field is related to BioAgora?
A: Yes, it is eligible to form a consortium with an NGO, provided that the NGO meets the Horizon Europe eligibility criteria and is not already part of the BioAgora consortium.
Q: Would a project involving stakeholders from only one country be eligible for the First BioAgora Cascade Funding Call?
A: The call prioritizes transdisciplinary collaboration across Europe. Projects with participants from multiple European countries are generally more aligned with the call's objectives, as they foster broader collaboration and impact. To enhance competitiveness, we recommend incorporating additional European partners.
Financial Information
Q: What are the financial rules for the Capacity Development Initiatives at the Science-Policy-Society Interface (SPSI) call?
A: For the SPSI call, cost calculations should follow the Horizon Europe rules. BioAgora implements a single funding rate, meaning all partners, including SMEs, are funded at 100% of the costs incurred.
Q: What is the reimbursement schedule for the Capacity Development Initiatives at the Science-Policy-Society Interface (SPSI) call?
A: The reimbursement schedule is as follows: 50% upon the entry into force of the grant agreement and 50% after the approval of the final report.
Q: Are SMEs funded at 100% of costs incurred, and how should overheads be calculated?
A: SMEs participating in the SPSI call are funded at 100% of the costs incurred, in line with the Horizon Europe rule of a single funding rate for all partners. For calculating overheads, you should follow the Horizon Europe formula: 25% of the direct personnel costs and purchase costs. Please note that subcontracting costs are not included in the overhead cost calculation.
Q: In the budget table, the cost categories listed are: personnel, travel, equipment, and other goods and services. Does this mean that indirect costs (overhead) are not eligible? If indirect costs can be included, what rules apply?
A: Indirect costs (overhead) are eligible for funding and should be included in the budget. Annex II form Part B has been corrected to include a column for these costs.
Submission Process & Reporting
Q: Where do I have to upload the application documents?
A: Please send the documents in PDF format to the e-mail address calls@bioagora.eu.
Q: What is the latest start date for projects under the First BioAgora Cascade Funding Call?
A: We recommend a latest start date of August 2025, considering the final project completion deadline of December 2026. However, we welcome your application if you can provide a well-structured concept and timeline.
Q: What are the reporting requirements for the SPSI call?
A: Two reports are required: an interim report covering the first half of the implementation period and a final report covering the entire implementation period.
Q: Does the list of references at the end of the application for the SPSI call count towards the total word limit?
A: No, the reference list at the end of the application is not included in the total word limit. You are welcome to include the necessary academic references without concern for exceeding the word count.
Q: We are leading a project funded by Horizon Europe and would like to know if projects that focus on providing capacity building and supporting policy maker involvement for other initiatives are eligible for your cascade funding calls?
A: As indicated in the Submission Guidelines under paragraph 3 (Procedures and eligibility criteria – available funding and requirements), your proposal cannot be part of already ongoing projects, or financing already ongoing activities.
26th November 2024
Announcement and official launch of the call
4th December 2024
First FAQs published in the BioAgora website
27th January 2025 (21:00 CET)
Deadline for submitting the proposal
15th February 2025
Eligibility check completed by the call secretariat
February -March 2025
Evaluation of proposals
4th April 2025
Recommendation for funding projects published
15th May 2025
Earliest possible start date of funded projects