Why is the project needed?

The project is needed to transform the practices in the science-policy interface as well as to mobilise a variety of actors and knowledge bases to strengthen European-level biodiversity decision-making.

Why should I care about biodiversity loss?

Biodiversity loss threatens the health of our planet and consequently, our well-being. Unlike climate change, biodiversity loss may not directly affect individuals' lives, making it challenging to perceive its importance. However, safeguarding biodiversity is as crucial as mitigating climate change, requiring nuanced approaches beyond technical solutions.

Are there not already other science or research platforms that are doing this?

While there are existing platforms in the science-policy interface, BioAgora’s unique role is to bring together existing actors and expertise, orchestrating connections between these.

What makes the project unique?

The project stands out because it goes beyond traditional EU projects by co-creating, together with the EU Commission and other actors, a model for an improved and transformative science-policy interface for biodiversity in Europe.

What is the project actually doing?

The project conducts analyses and assessments of existing expertise, stakeholders, science-policy interface activities and knowledge brokering mechanisms. It develops a new kind of interface, the Science Service for Biodiversity, which is meant to mobilise expertise, respond to knowledge requests and develop functions to meet future needs. Project efforts also include capacity-building at the science-policy interface and driving transformation towards mainstreaming biodiversity. Additionally, BioAgora challenges traditional science production models by constructing an inclusive science service.

What is the Science Service for Biodiversity?

The Science Service for Biodiversity is the scientific reinforcement of the European biodiversity science-policy interface. Connected to Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity (KCBD) that is hosted by the JRC, it provides different models and services to improve the interaction between policy-makers and different knowledge holders. It’s a new initiative in the science-policy interface, comprising not only a website but also various operational activities.

Who can use the future Science Service for Biodiversity?

The future Science Service aims to be accessible, among others, to the European Commission, its member states, civil society actors, organizations, and private companies. The overarching objective is to establish an inclusive system.

How is the project linked to the EU Biodiversity Strategy?

The project is inherently linked to the EU Biodiversity Strategy, with a primary goal of fully enhancing its implementation. It serves as a support mechanism for the Strategy's implementation efforts.

How is the project connected to the EU and the European Commission?

The project collaborates closely with different Directorates-General, most notably the JRC, DG REA and DG ENV, as they acknowledge the need for assistance in consolidating information. In addition, the project is linked to the EU Biodiversity Strategy, with its funding originating from the European Commission as well.

Where does the project get its funding from?

BioAgora is funded with 11.8 million euros by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe program and UK Research and Innovation.

How can I join BioAgora?

You can join the Biodiversity Knowledge Agora, which will form a platform for efficient science policy on biodiversity. Whether you are a scientist, a researcher, a biodiversity expert working in an NGO/consultancy, or another stakeholder with relevant knowledge that may help support knowledge-based policy-making in the field of biodiversity, you are welcome to join the Biodiversity Knowledge Agora community. Access it here.

I am still unsure about the project, where can I find more information?

If you wish to receive more information about the BioAgora project, you can contact us by sending an email to contact@bioagora.eu.