The Finnish Environment Institute SYKE is a research institute governed by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. At the Finnish Environment Institute, nearly 700 professionals offer their strong expertise on local to global scale challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, flooding or unsustainable use of natural resources.
INRAE is a major player in research and innovation. INRAE is a community of 12,000 people with 273 research, experimental research, and support units located in 18 regional centres throughout France. Internationally, INRAE is among the top research organisations in the agricultural and food sciences, plant and animal sciences, as well as in ecology and environmental science. It is the world’s leading research organisation specialising in agriculture, food and the environment.
The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) with its 1,100 employees has gained an excellent reputation as an international competence centre for environmental sciences. We are part of the largest scientific organisation in Germany, the Helmholtz association. Our mission: Our research seeks to find a balance between social development and the long-term protection of our natural resources.
The Research Centre in Systems Ecology and Sustainability (UB-RCSES) is an entity of the University of Bucharest, Romania for multi- and trans-disciplinary research in systems ecology and sustainability. It teams up with the Department of Systems Ecology and Sustainability to provide top-level support for the development and implementation integrates observation systems and curiosity driven research, from the smallest scale of genetic diversity to large-scale and even to whole-Earth System.
The University of Trento is a University in Italy with an excellent reputation, constantly ranked among the best Italian Universities. Department DICAM and the Planes Lab (Planning for Ecosystem Services and Urban Sustainability) promote research in key areas such as ecosystem services, urban and spatial planning, nature-based solutions, impact assessment, climate adaptation, and territorial governance.
The Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) is the independent research institute of the Flemish government that underpins and evaluates biodiversity policy and management by means of applied scientific research, data and knowledge sharing. INBO provides evidence-based support for nature policy and its implementation. It describes the state and trends of biodiversity and ecosystem services, investigates causes of change and develops directly applicable instruments. It develops future studies that underpin nature policy in the longer term. We always do this in dialogue with partners from society, science, policy and management.
Alternet is fostering Europe's science-policy interface on biodiversity and ecosystem services by bringing together leading institutes from 21 European countries. They share the goal of integrating their research capability to assess and analyze changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services and inform the public and policymakers at the European scale.
The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) is Norway’s leading institution for applied ecological research, with broad-based expertise on the genetic, population, species, ecosystem and landscape level, in terrestrial, freshwater and coastal marine environments.
An independent ecologist with an eye for a business approach. Love for nature is in his genes and approaching it with a creative twist is what he likes. Ben has an MSc in Botany/Conservation and a postgraduate degree in Human Ecology/ Environmental Impact Assessment. After some years as research assistant at the universities of Antwerp and Leuven he worked for 22 years at ECNC – the European Centre for Nature Conservation. Here he developed his broad range of skills and interests in biodiversity-related policy, science-policy-practice interaction, communication, indicators, project management, information platforms, stakeholder engagement (certified facilitator), and desk studies.
Oppla is the EU Repository of Nature-based Solutions. We support our community of over 4000 members in sharing tools, resources, case studies and knowledge for the benefit of science, business and civil society. Our mission is to work with nature, for nature and people.
The IGB is one of the leading international research centers for freshwaters, generating objective and evidence-based knowledge for the conservation and management of inland waters. Our mission “Research for the future of our freshwaters” aims to develop solutions and recommendations for actions of environmental issues and support decision-making processes at the local, national and international level.
CREAF is a public research center dedicated to terrestrial ecology and territorial analysis, producing knowledge and methodologies for conservation, management, and adaptation of the environment to global change. It is a bridge between academia, administrations, and society, promoting awareness and exchanging knowledge within its scope of activities at the local, regional, and global levels.
ESSRG is a non-profit company cultivating cross-boundary research in a transdisciplinary fashion, engaging in multi-actor democratic dialogue with natural and social sciences, and other knowledge systems. We possess practical skills for working with conflict-intensive boundaries on science-policy-society interfaces.
Pensoft Publishers is an independent academic publishing company, known for its cutting-edge publishing tools, workflows and methods for text and data publishing of journals, books and conference materials. The company is involved in various research and technology projects and also provides services in website design and development, building of integrated publishing platforms and in science communication.
The European Regional Centre for Ecohydrology under the auspices of UNESCO is a research institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The scientific profile of the Centre is focused on implementation of ecohydrology for restoration of freshwater resources in the framework of the UNESCO International Hydrological Programme, Water Framework Directive and strategies of adaptation to climate change. In 2019, ERCE PAS facilitated the establishing of UNESCO Chair on Ecohydrology and Applied Ecology at the University of Łódź, what allowed strengthening of educational activities at international and national levels.
Euronovia is a French consulting company (SME) specialised in supporting EU-funded projects with activities related to management, communication and dissemination of project results. Euronovia has also a strong expertise in writing grant applications in response to Horizon Europe call for proposals.
Wageningen University & Research is a collaboration between Wageningen University and the Wageningen Research foundation. ‘To explore the potential of nature to improve the quality of life’ - that is the mission of Wageningen University & Research. Over 7,200 employees, 13,200 students and over 150,000 participants to WUR’s Life Long Learning from more than hundred countries work everywhere around the world in the domain of healthy food and living environment for governments and the business community-at-large.
The European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) is a non-profit association set up to encourage the growth of the Citizen Science movement in Europe. It draws on 200 individual and organizational members from over 28 countries across the European Union and beyond.
The Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) conducts multidisciplinary research in the Arctic and Antarctic, as well as in temperate latitudes. AWI coordinates the polar research in Germany and provides the necessary equipment, infrastructure, and logistics for other German institutions performing polar research.
The UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) is a global centre of excellence on biodiversity and nature’s contribution to society and the economy. We work at the interface of science, policy, and practice to tackle the global crisis facing nature and support the transition to a sustainable future for people and the planet.
We are an independent, not-for-profit research institute. Our 500 scientists provide the data and insights that researchers, governments and businesses need to create a productive, resilient and healthy environment.