Kaisa Korhonen-Kurki works as a head of unit and senior research scientist in the Finnish Environment Institute, as well as a co-coordinator of BioAgora. Her expertise includes not only biodiversity and climate policies, but also knowledge co-production methods, all topics on which she has published widely. Kaisa has a long experience in working on science-policy interfaces.
Kati Vierikko holds the titles of senior researcher, PhD and docent in urban ecology. She coordinates national and international projects related to urban environment, biodiversity protection, nature-based solutions, human well-being and sustainable land-use planning. She is experienced in research on human-nature interactions, place-based research and interdisciplinary studies by using a mixed-method approach. Kati is responsible for organizing BioAgora's cascade funding for Third parties.
Juuli supports the BioAgora Coordination in her role as a project manager. She works as a coordinator in her home organization (Finnish Environment Institute, SYKE).
Dalia works as a Senior Researcher at SYKE. Her research interests include biodiversity-underpinned ecosystem services and the governance of socio-ecological systems as well as sustainability-solutions and organisational and societal transformations towards sustainability. In BioAgora, Dalia mainly focuses on the actors operating at the science-policy interface in the context of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, and their potential role in the Science Service for Biodiversity.
Miia Riihimäki is a technical coordinator of EU projects and a financial manager of the BioAgora project at SYKE.
Maria has worked for SYKE and its predecessors for almost 30 years. She has been the financial manager of a wide variety of EC-funded instruments since the late 1990s. Maria will guide you through the wild bureaucratic jungle of financial reporting and assist you with Commission portal issues.
Maria works at SYKE as a project manager focusing on research data management. Her role is to support research projects from the application phase to the end of the project until the final outputs are published/archived. For BioAgora, she acts as a data manager.
Peter Kullberg is a conservation scientist working with topics related to biodiversity data and its use in decision-making context. He is the project manager of the Finnish Ecosystem Observatory that aims to enhance accessibility and use of nature data in Finland. Peter leads Task 1.3: Selection and Development of Further Demonstration Cases
Elise works at SYKE as a Senior Coordinator focusing on land cover and land use monitoring, ecosystem accounting, and citizen science. Within BioAgora, she is working on the knowledge exchange network (WP1) and tasks on developing shared values with the public for transformational change (WP5).
Samuli Pitzén is a social scientist in the field of environmental governance. He works as a researcher in SYKE, currently pursuing his PhD on policy coherence and integration, focusing especially on forest, biodiversity and climate policies. He is currently using different methodologies and foci to approach the topic, e.g. conducting coherence analysis of EU-level policies in the Horizon Europe projects BioAgora and RESPIN.
Juliette Young is a senior researcher at INRAE. She is a social scientist and has been working on understanding and improving the science-policy interface on biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe for over 15 years. In BioAgora, Juliette is part of the core coordination team, is leading WP4 and co-leading WP5.
Sandra Luque is a Research Director at INRAE (TETIS Lab). She was a NASA EOS Fellow, Global Change Program. Sandra is the current chair of the IUFRO Forest Environment Division and lead author for the IPBES Nexus Report. In BioAgora, she is working on WP3 on biodiversity indicators, remote sensing coupling modelling, ES & species habitat modelling and mapping.
For over 20 years, Adam Vanbergen is a senior researcher exploring how insect communities respond to anthropogenic environmental changes. He has extensive experience in relation to science-policy interfaces at national, European (EC) and international levels (IPBES, CBD, FAO). In BioAgora, he is engaged with the pollination knowledge exchange network (WP1).
Marion Gosselin is an engineer, specialised in forest ecology at the Research Unit in Forest Ecosystems of INRAE. Within her team, she is in charge of knowledge production and transfer concerning the relationships between forest management and biodiversity as well as forest biodiversity monitoring. In BioAgora, she is involved in WP1 and will take part in the knowledge exchange network.
Frédéric Gosselin is a researcher and engineer in ecology and biometry. His main applied themes of expertise are the impact of forest management – negative or positive – on forest interspecific biodiversity and the development & evaluation of biodiversity indicators. He will be involved in WP1 (the knowledge exchange network).
Léa Tardieu is an environmental economist at INRAE and has expertise in modelling and mapping ecosystem services, with a focus on enhancing their integration into spatial planning and understanding social preferences for conservation initiatives. In BioAgora, Léa contributes to WP1 and WP3 on habitat modelling/mapping and policy impact analysis.
Marie is the head of the Eklipse Management Body and a senior researcher in the department of Conservation Biology and Social-Ecological Systems at UFZ, where she is leading a working group on the Biodiversity Science Policy Interface.
Marie is part of the co-coordination team of BioAgora. She is also on the leading team for WP1 in addition to co-leading WP2 and leading Tasks 3.4 and 4.2.
Josef (Sepp) heads the Department of Conservation Biology and Social-Ecological Systems at UFZ. Within Bioagora, he is part of the coordination team and co-lead of WP1. He holds a PhD in agriculture which is based on agro-ecological research on biocontrol in tropical irrigated rice systems. He has extensive science-policy experience as a co-chair of the Global Assessment of IPBES from 2016 to 2019 and a coordinating lead author of the 5th IPCC Assessment Report.
Anja is a research scientist at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ in Germany. She is the scientific project manager in BioAgora supporting the scientific co-coordinators.
Anna Salomaa holds a PhD in environmental change and policy from the University of Helsinki. She has done research on nature conservation policies, interaction between knowledge and policies, science-policy organisations, and sustainability transformations. Her research has involved collaboration with various practical partners.
Hari is a Research Associate at the Alternet Association, a member of the Eklipse Management Team and a Guest Scientist at UFZ. Her current work focuses on the EU project ECO-READY, where she is actively involved in developing an ethical infrastructure to support project activities. She is also contributing to the BioAgora project, assisting in the development of its ethical framework.
He is a senior researcher in systems ecology and coordinates national and international projects related to biodiversity protection, wetland restoration, human wellbeing and sustainability. He is experienced in research on complex human-nature interactions, transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies. Mihai is BioAgora’s national project coordinator and responsible for task 2.4. He is also involved in other WPs.
Dr. Tudor Racoviceanu has a PhD in Ecology and is a researcher at UB-RCSES. His research is focused on ecosystem services assessment and mapping, wetland functions and services, remote sensing, and in-situ sensor networks for the monitoring of natural capital and ecosystem functioning. In BioAgora, he acts as the member of the University of Bucharest responsible for WP3.
Nicoleta Adriana Geamănă has a PhD in Ecology. During her professional experience, she has done research of socio-ecological complexes, implemented the scientific, teaching and management products into different social and decision-making sectors, and developed topics in her thesis and scientific papers that are relevant to the BioAgora project (mainly Tasks 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 5.3).
Valentin Dinu is a junior scientist who focuses his research on freshwater ecosystems and multiple stressors. He has worked as an expert in the Biodiversa and Interreg projects. In BioAgora, he is mainly involved in developing shared values with the public for transformative change (WP 5.3).
Dr Constantin Cazacu is a senior researcher and lecturer at the University of Bucharest He is the head of the Department of Systems Ecology and Sustainability. Furthermore, he is a freshwater ecologist with knowledge on the structure and functioning of the ecosystems from the Lower Danube River. In BioAgora, he is involved in WP5 and Tasks 1.4 and 3.3.
Dr. Magdalena Bucur is a researcher at UB-RCSES, with a PhD in Ecology. She focuses on science-policy interfaces. Since 2003 she was involved in various EC- and nationally funded projects. In BioAgora, she represents UB in WP7 and also participates in other WPs as team member.
Georgia Arhire, PhD in Environmental Sciences, is an affiliated researcher at UB-RCSES. Her field of expertise is systems ecology with a focus on identification of spatial and temporal landscape patterns, mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services. In BioAgora, she is mainly involved in Task 1.4, T.2.2, and T.3.1.
Relu Giuca, PhD in Ecology, is a Researcher at UB-RCSES. His expertise in in the fields of biodiversity and ecosystem services. In BioAgora, he is involved in WP1, 2 and 5.
Davide heads the Planning for Ecosystem Services and Urban Sustainability Lab at UniTrento, where he teaches ecological planning and environmental impact assessment. Formerly a research fellow at Harvard University and a visiting scholar at Stanford University, he has extensive experience in EU-funded research projects on ecosystem services and land use decisions. In BioAgora, he co-leads WP1 and leads the knowledge exchange network on urban nature-based solutions.
Myriam Dumortier is a senior researcher at INBO, focusing on the relation between agriculture and biodiversity. She teaches forest and nature policy at Ghent University. She was policy officer for the European Commission, developing the policy on invasive alien species. In BioAgora, she is involved in WP1, 3 and 5.
Maurice Hoffmann is director of (EV)INBO and present chair of the Alternet Association Council. He teaches nature management and ecosystem management & services at Ghent University. He primarily contributes to BioAgora through capacity-building activities and through mobilizing the expertise available in the Alternet Association.
Jomme is a researcher at the Nature and Society team at INBO. He holds a Master in bioscience engineering and is pursuing a second degree in conflict & development. His research interests are political ecology and ecological economics. Central in his research are systems thinking and policy relevance. In BioAgora, he is involved in WP1, 3, and 5.
Machteld's research focuses on landscapes and the different values people place on nature and how that plays out in scenarios. She is also the head of the IPBES technical support unit on scenarios and models and enjoys designing and moderating participatory and co-creation knowledge processes with different stakeholders. In BioAgora, she is involved in WP5.
Sana has an interest in the quantification and valuation of ecosystem services. She works at the science-policy interface, supporting the IPBES task force on scenarios and models to catalyse the formulation of desirable futures for nature and people. In BioAgora, Sana is involved in the scenarios synthesis of Task 1.4.
Katariina works as a researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, concentrating on applied ecology, transformative change, and environmental psychology. In BioAgora, she contributes to the tasks on horizon scanning and capacity building (T3.3, T5.2).
Jiska is originally a large carnivore researcher, still doing otter research and responsible for otter monitoring in Norway. Nowadays, she is heavily involved in training and dialogue, interdisciplinary research and the science-policy interface. She is task leader for T3.3 and T5.2 and coordinating Alternet's work in BioAgora.
Kristin is a research director at NINA, specifically the department at Lillehammer, Norway. She is an ecologist and has a PhD in Applied Ecology. Her expertise has been research with emphasis on human - carnivore conflicts (HWC), and conflicts related to wolves, brown bears, wolverines and lynxes in particular. She has also worked on how to increase and build trust in research among the public.
Ben is an independent ecologist. He works at local to European levels, e.g. in biodiversity-related science-policy-practice interaction, communication, and meeting facilitation. In BioAgora, he co-leads WP7 and provides input for demo webinars, the launching event, harvesting knowledge, governance elements and structure. Additionally, he leads the development of the business plan.
Sibylle is coordinator of sustainability and biodiversity research at the IGB and experienced in the science-policy interface as it pertains to light pollution. In BioAgora, she is engaged in the research on freshwater biodiversity and she will coordinate the input for the freshwater knowledge exchange network within all associated WPs and tasks.
Sonja Jähnig's research focuses on the impacts of global change in freshwater ecosystems, combining hydrology, community ecology, conservation, and ecological modeling approaches. Sonja is head of the Department Community and Ecosystem Ecology and leads a research group on Aquatic Ecogeography at IGB. In BioAgora, she is engaged in considering aspects related to freshwater biodiversity.
Lluís Brotons is a CSIC Research Scientist at CREAF in Spain. He is a landscape ecologists interested in the global impact on biodiversity and its implications to develop robust science-policy interfaces to deal with the current biodiversity crisis. He co-leads WP3 and is involved in WP1.
Roxanne Leberger is a postdoctoral researcher at CREAF. She has a background as a conservation ecologist and has been working on diverse topics ranging from protected area effectiveness to plant-pollinator networks. She is highly interested in science-for-policy and is currently involved in WP3 (State of knowledge) and WP1 (Knowledge exchange network).
Helena Ramírez works for the Catalan Biodiversity Observatory which aims to enhance the organization, integration, accessibility and use of natural heritage and biodiversity data in Catalonia. In BioAgora, she is mainly involved in WP3 and WP1.
Dani Villero is a researcher at CREAF. His work zeroes in on building bridges between landscape ecology and conservation policy. Its focus thus lies in understanding changes in spatial patterns of biodiversity over time with the aim of translating key findings for the development of more effective and evidence-based environmental decisions. In BioAgora, he is mainly involved in WP3 and WP1.
Attila Lenti is a political scientist and a PhD student in Economics with previous professional experience in Europe and Latin America and a strong background in governance issues. He works at the Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG) as a researcher. In BioAgora, he is involved in WP1.
Eszter Kelemen is a senior researcher at ESSRG. She has a background in ecological economics. Her main research topic is the values and valuation of nature, with an emphasis on how diverse values can be taken up in policy processes. She leads WP5 and participates in WP1 and WP4.
Alexandra is a Communications Officer at Pensoft, with experience in communications, policy, and academia. She is also an early-career researcher and PhD student, her thesis being in the field of environmental economics and new institutional economics. In her academic studies she explores the impact of digital technologies on crucial environmental indicators. In BioAgora, she is involved in WP7.
Peter Bozakov serves as a Communications Officer at Pensoft Publishers. His background involves the disciplines of international relations, European and East Asian policy, and public relations. Following an academic journey in the United Kingdom as well as Germany, he attained work experience spanning from Singapore’s start-up scene to the EU institutions in Brussels. This allowed him to familiarise himself with the tenets of targeted communication with a wide variety of stakeholders. His work on BioAgora revolves around WP7.
Renata Włodarczyk-Marciniak is a researcher at ERCE PAN. She has a background in sociology, ecology and environmental protection. Her research interests mainly include social-ecological systems, ecosystem services and their socio-cultural valuation, transformation of the urban and rural landscapes and their causes and consequences. In BioAgora, Renata is mainly involved in WP1, WP2 and WP5.
Marie Garcia is a consultant in EU funding at Euronovia. She has more than 10 years experience in coordinating and managing EU collaborative projects (Coordination & Support Actions and Research and Innovation Actions) in various fields (energy, environment, SSH, etc.). Within BioAgora, she takes part in WP6 to support SYKE in the management of this ambitious project.
Dr Jeanne Nel leads the Biodiverse Environment Programme in Wageningen University & Research. Trained as a biodiversity scientist, she now works on connecting communities across many silos to stimulate co-learning and collective actions towards just, nature-based futures. In BioAgora, Jeanne assesses the transformative potential of current and potential science-policy-society networks.
Dr Judith Westerink is senior researcher Landscape Governance at Wageningen Environmental Research. Her focus is on farming and ecology from a perspective of behaviour, farming systems, collaboration, governance and transformative change. She is involved in several science-policy-practice networks. In BioAgrora, she leads a task on Transformative Potential of Networks.
Amy Wortel is a junior researcher at Wageningen Environmental Research. She has a background in ecology and nature conservation policy. In her work, she focusses on social ecological transitions. She contributes to BioAgora's task on the transformative potential of networks.
Kármen Czett is a research fellow at the Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG). She has a background in social science research and a strong interest in ecological issues and human-nature relations. In BioAgora, she is involved in T1.1, 4.1, and WP5.
Nikita Sharma, PhD is the project officer at the European Citizen Science Association. Her research interests include urban planning, urban governance and the circular waste economy. In BioAgora, she leads Task 5.4, reaching policy impact through citizen science. She is also involved in WP1 and WP6.
Tordis Heilmann is working as an EU grant manager at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute (AWI). She supports European research projects and their application in all financial and administrative matters. She is a trained geographer and project manager.
Jan-Claas Dajka is working at the Helmholtz Institute for Functional Marine Biodiversity in Oldenburg, Germany. There, his main focus is on marine biodiversity at the science-policy interface. He likes to work across disciplines so that marine biodiversity management and policy can be improved together.
Lisa Norton is a senior scientist at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. She works on both long-term national ecological monitoring programmes and on interdisciplinary approaches alongside social and natural scientists. Her aim in this is to understand farming impacts on biodiversity and wider ecosystem service provision.