Expert Workshop by Eklipse on Offshore Wind Farm Expansion and Marine Environmental Impact

26 Mar 2025 / Partner news

April 2025 will see the next expert-led online workshop of Eklipse for connecting biodiversity knowledge holders and policy-makers. As in previous editions, the event is organised in response to a specific knowledge request by the European Commission and organised with funding by BioAgora. The topic of the workshop is “Offshore Wind Farm Expansion & Marine Environment Impact” and its main objective will be to provide science-based insights that are directly connected to the European marine biodiversity policy context. 

Set to take place on 10 April 2025 between 09:30 am and 01:00 pm (CEST), the event will focus on an overview of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and how offshore wind harvesting practices are meant to adhere to it. Naturally, this will involve a closer look at the MSFD’s 11 qualitative descriptors that serve as a benchmark for achieving Good Environmental Status (GES). All of this will allow for research gaps at the intersection between the Directive and analyses of these farms to be validated, consolidated and prioritised. In the run-up to the event, Eklipse launched a call for experts to maximise the quality of contributions to these proceedings. 

You can stay tuned on the latest developments surrounding the event on the Eklipse website and find out more about BioAgora’s recently launched Knowledge Exchange Network on marine biodiversity here.