BioAgora presents: the CO-OP4CBD project

29 Mar 2025 / General News

Alongside BioAgora, there are many other interesting European projects aiming to improve the biodiversity policy landscape. We are pleased to introduce the CO-OP4CBD project as the third entry in our series.

CO-OP4CBD: A new Horizon Europe project gathering the European science and policy experts to support the Convention on Biological Diversity

The Biodiversity crisis brings unprecedented risks to humanity with significant consequences at a global scale. To mitigate and reverse these processes, transformative change is required across scales, including a fundamental, system-wide reorganisation in technological, economic and social factors, such as paradigms, goals and values. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is the most important international legal instrument created for “the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilisation of genetic resources” ratified by 196 nations.

The implementation of multilateral environmental agreements, including the CBD, improves as more and better knowledge and information become available. As such, facilitating technical and scientific cooperation provides essential support to decision-making under the Convention with the best available knowledge and advice.

Co-operation for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CO-OP4CBD) is a Horizon Europe project aiming to enhance coordination of the EU support to advance the implementation of the CBD, and in doing so make more effective use of existing expertise and initiatives.

CO-OP4CBD and BioAgora both strive to prioritise biodiversity and nature in the European policy discourse and decision-making process, emphasising the inclusion of scientific evidence.


The consortium of CO-OP4CBD comprises nine members from universities and research centres across Europe to bring together experts from various backgrounds with extensive experience in EU projects in the field of biodiversity.

The CO-OP4CBD Consortium during their kick-off meeting in Brussels.

More information about the CO-OP4CBD project

  • Main contact: Marie-Claire Denner, Foundation for Research on Biodiversity (FRB), marie-claire.danner[at]
  • CO-OP4CBD’s social media
  • CO-OP4CBD’s website:
  • Subscribe to CO-OP4CBD’s newsletter

Read our previous article in this series: the BIONEXT project