BioAgora presents: the B-Cubed project

31 Mar 2025 / General News

Alongside BioAgora, there are many other insightful European projects aiming to improve the biodiversity policy landscape. We are pleased to introduce the B-Cubed project as the fourth entry in our series.


The recently funded B-Cubed project – Biodiversity Building Blocks for policy – aims to transform biodiversity monitoring from a disconnected, labour-intensive activity into an agile and responsive process, tailored to the needs of decision-makers. The project will use the concept of data cubes to enable policies that proactively address the impacts of biodiversity change. Data cubes combine biodiversity data with other environmental data and scenarios, and allow the creation of models and indicators of past, current, and future biodiversity trends, accessible to users in real-time and on-demand. The project aligns with BioAgora’s mission to transform the European policy-making landscape by meeting the demand for data and science-based evidence in decision-making and the legislative process. 


The B-Cubed, funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under the call HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01, was launched in March 2023 and will run until August 2026. The team brings together experts from a wide area of fields ranging from biodiversity informatics, data collection tool development and invasion biology to the science-policy interface, digitisation and dissemination of botanical data and developing Open Data standards for biodiversity.

B-cubed’s consortium members gathered in the Meise Botanic Garden, Belgium, for the project’s in-person kick-off meeting. An intercontinental team consisting of 13 partner organisations from 10 countries who join forces to transform biodiversity monitoring.

BioAgora will follow with interest B-Cubed’s development and collaborate in areas relating to biodiversity decision-making.  If you want to learn more about the project, you can check out B-Cubed’s introductory presentation and the project’s two-pager.

Follow the B-Cubed project

For more information on the project, you can follow B-Cubed on Twitter and LinkedIn!

Read our previous article in this series: the CO-OP4CBD project