Achieving better gender equality in BioAgora

31 Mar 2025 / General News

The BioAgora consortium has published its initial gender and equality action plan (Deliverable D6.3).

Gender Equality

Equality and non-discrimination are an essential part of human resources policy and of a good working community at all levels of institutions and projects. The objective of a gender and equality action plan is to achieve better gender equality and guide organisations. It identifies the measures that project partner organisations need to consider when implementing the project plans.

Gender Equality Plans (GEP) are mandatory for all public bodies, higher education establishments and research organisations taking part in a Horizon Europe project. The BioAgora consortium decided to go one step further and developed a GEP specifically for the project. It is based on the Horizon Europe Guidance on Gender Equality Plans.

Action plan

Our Gender Equality Plan consists of three groups of actions: i) the adoption of basic rules and procedures by each partner institution of the consortium; ii) a set of indicators to be developed and monitored throughout the project duration; and iii) training and awareness raising of the management and all project personnel.

The action plan considers the following elements in all operating, reporting, and dissemination phases of the project:

  • Gender diversity within the project team;
  • Gender balance in governance bodies and decision-making;
  • Equal opportunities for researchers at different stages;
  • Work-life balance of the participants;
  • Social justice issues in the research content;
  • Communication and stakeholder engagement to promote gender and equality issues.

The plan will be kept up-to-date in an iterative process during the project lifecycle. It will be revisited and updated when a need arises.

The deliverable also includes the criteria for environmental assessment and set of indicators for evaluation of gender equality, social learning, and conflict resolution. Regular quality checks as well as project team self-evaluations will be organised to ensure the adaptive character of the project.

For further information about our action plan, we invite you to read the full report “D6.3 Gender and equality action plan, criteria for environmental assessment and set of indicators”.

Read our full GEP