
First BioAgora Science-Policy Interface Pilot Training

12-30 Sep 2024

Event Details

BIOAGORA will organise the first Science-Policy Interface Pilot (SPI) training

BioAgora will organise the first BioAgora SPI training scheduled for 23-27 September 2024, in the Drome River Valley, France.

This pilot training will seek to foster collaborative understanding between researchers and policymakers regarding policy and scientific challenges in biodiversity. Under the motto of “Slowing down to work faster and better at the science-policy interface for biodiversity”, the pilot training will provide a focus on a specific case study, exploring the freshwater’s nexus:  agriculture/food, health, economic development and biodiversity conservation and restoration.

Further information and application for the first BioAgora SPI training can be found here.

Deadline for application is: June 15th

Last update : this event is currently canceled and postponed (date not yet decided)

Click here for further information and application!