EU Biodiversity Platform (EUBP)

BioAgora is an official observer at the EU Biodiversity Platform (EUBP) which advises the European Commission about the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 as well as other related EU legislative acts.

BioAgora's role in the EUBP

The BioAgora consortium has nominated 17 researchers to be BioAgora observers in the EU Biodiversity Platform (EUBP) and its sub-groups. Observers attend meetings, follow the discussion, and support direct and active interaction between EUBP members and research and other knowledge producers. BioAgora observers have the following goals: 

  • Identify knowledge needs related to key topics of the EUBP agenda, as joint effort and collaboration between KCBD and the Science Service? 
  • Pull together the required expertise and organise and facilitate discussions with the research community 
  • Channel knowledge and evidence, in suitable form, into the group’s work, through pathways developed by KCBD 
  • Raising EUBP’s awareness about new and emerging biodiversity issues and potential positive and negative impacts of human activities on ecosystems and their services, identified through broad and regular horizon scanning, monitoring and assessing of science and research. 

A brief history of the EUBP

The EU Biodiversity Platform (EUBP) was set up in 2022 to provide advice to the Commission, and foster cooperation for the coherent implementation of the (EU BDS), the (Birds Directive and Habitats Directive) and other EU policy and legislation on biodiversity. The EUBP replaced the former Coordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature, established in 2008, and it has a broadened scope of work, strengthened representation of stakeholders, and more systematic approach to engaging with relevant expert groups and similar bodies in other relevant policy areas.

The members of the EUBP

Members of the EUBP are EU Member States, relevant EU institutions and DGs. In addition, stakeholders (from economic sector, NGOs, and knowledge networks) participate as observers, in compliance with the horizontal rules by direct invitation. According to the official rules observers do not have voting rights and shall not participate in the formulation of recommendations or advice of the Platform and its sub-groups. EUBP meeting documents are publicly available at Circhub.

The main tasks of the EUBP at EU level

The main task of the EUBP is to advise the Commission on the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. The group also can – if requested by the Commission – discuss and provide evidence-based advice to initiatives and developments in other policy areas that are relevant for biodiversity. The key topics that are discussed, approved or provided by EUBP includes:

  • Monitoring and indicator selections for the Strategy,
  • Biodiversity financing,
  • Multi-level governance for biodiversity,
  • Mainstreaming and cooperation with other sectors outside the biodiversity field,
  • Knowledge for evidence-based policy-making. 

There are nine active sub-groups that support the work of the EUBP as listed below. Member states have nominated members for each sub-group.

  1. Working Group on Forests and Nature
  2. Invasive Alien Species Expert Group
  3. Sub-Group on Monitoring and Assessment
  4. Working Group on Green Infrastructure and Restoration
  5. Working Group on Invasive Alien Species
  6. Commission expert group on the Birds and Habitats Directives
  7. Marine issues
  8. Reporting under the Nature Directives
  9. Working Group on Pollinators

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